How to Prevent Holiday Stress in Young Children (and yourself)
How to Prevent Holiday Stress in Young Children (and yourself)
The Holiday season is all about fun and enjoying family but the constant hustle and bustle can be nerve- wracking for kids as it is for adults. Here are some tips can help decrease your child’s stress and make this time a happier time for all.
Manage your own stress:
Not only are you setting an example, there’s just no way to stop our children from sensing your stress and being affected by it. Try to be self- aware. Set some time aside for yourself. Create some type of code or words so your friends or partner can let you know when you are starting to act snippy or crazy. Get enough sleep.
Keep your routines the same, as much as possible:
Kids do best when routines are predictable and healthy. Try not to allow them to stay up late throughout the holidays. Stick to your routine as well as your meal routines.
Schedule a down time:
A 15 or 30 minute break from a busy day (especially with very young children) can help kids recharge and decrease the likelihood of emotional or behavioral problems. Set aside time to read a story, listen to music or just rest quietly.
Let your child vent:
Give your child permission to come to you if he needs to get something off his chest. Even toddlers need special venting time without reprimanding them. Older children just need to explain why they are having a meltdown-just sit and listen.
Work up a sweat:
Exercise releases endorphins (the body’s feel good chemicals) Both you and your children need to exercise right in the middle of a stressful day. Also, please exercise when you’re travelling.
The holiday chaos stands in contrast to the message that “The Prince of Peace Has Been Born”.
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