“Wow”! “This is fun”! I can grasp this thing with my fingers, open up my fingers, and the “thing” will fall or I can lift my arm, throw and open my fingers, an 18 month to 3 years child may think. It takes fine motor skills to open and let go of an object. Your toddler loves to practice, practice, and practice until you can’t take it anymore.
It is futile to try to stop your child from throwing at this age. Just concentrate on what she throws and where she throws. Do not punish your child for throwing. It is a natural and necessary skill.
Show you child what she CAN such as soft balls, soft animals, bean bag games. Stock up on foam balls If she persists in throwing things in a hurtful manner, you will need to monitor her toys by taking away metal, wood and any toy that could be harmful.
Fasten his toys to his seat when in the car or stroller with a short piece of string. This can be fun for a toddler since he can retrieve his own toy.
Clean up together by saying “Let’s see who can clean up the fastest.” This, then becomes a fun game with Mommy or Daddy.
Set a good example: In other words, please refrain from throwing your own “stuff” around. For instance throwing your clothes on your bed or taking off our shoes and throwing them in the closet. Toddlers are great observers and mimickers.
Sit with your toddler at meal time so you can monitor his desire to throw his food all over the place. Spaghetti is the most fun. Praise him for his eating skills but tell him “no” gently and firmly when he starts to throw his food. Also, watch for choking. Also, having child proof plastic dishes and bowls that adhere to the high chair or table. Most children do not start throwing their food until they are finished eating so serve small portions.
If your child’s throwing habit stems from frustration rather than exuberance, teach him other ways to deal with anger. Let him know it is OK to be mad and encourage him to use his words and provide him with physical outlets such as running, kneading clay, pummel some pillows.
When you child learns how to express himself with his words, the aggressive behavior will tend to stop.
So, talk, talk and talk to your child and allow him to answer even if you cannot understand what he says.
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