Forever Kids



Forever Kids

Forever Kids

The Forever-Kids Programs at Baby Power were designed to develop the second phase in a child’s development. Through arts and crafts, cooking, theme classes, gym play and science experiments, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and self expression are culitvated while using creativity to have FUN.


Power-Plus 2:
(3 – 3½)
75 minutes including warm-up, show and tell, gym play, singing, instruments, story time, exploration, and a craft. Activities (games, exploration, craft) are centered around weekly theme.
Singing Chefs:
(3½ – 5)
60 minutes. Children have fun exploring the world of cooking. Gym play, singing, dancing, and instruments included. Parent-Optional.
Power Art:
(3½ – 5)
45 minutes. Children will design a variety of creations to treasure a lifetime. Projects use a variety of art materials – paint, glue, clay, plaster, and many more! Gym play included. Parent-Optional.
Girl Power:
(5 – 7)
45 minutes. You Go Girl! This girlie-girl art class will design bedroom accessories, purses, friendship gifts, jewelry, and much more. Parent-Optional.
Labcoat Kids:
(5 – 7)
45-60 minutes. For those children curious about the world, enjoy exploring and learning about science. Parent-Optional.
Open Gym:
(3 – 5)
60 minutes. Children come to run, crawl, and tumble in the gym – no formal class structure. Instructor on-site. Discounts for siblings. 12 children max. Parents required.

National Association for the Education of Young Children – Promoting excellence in early childhood education

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